If you want to join the openJabNab solution, you need three steps :
• Setup your bunny : How to setup my bunny ?
• Create an account : Sign Up
• Add the bunny to your account
• Choose and setup the plugins : Plugin list
Hello, A new Timezones management system replaces the old one, which was impractical, and also a bit buggy. The timezones have been renamed, but I tried to upgrade them to the new naming convention/definitions. Please try to reconfigure the timezones manually or send me an email if something is wrong/not working. Also, a lot of cleanup has been done (and more is ongoing) on the codebase and plugins both to improve the Server, and also to release the source code when ready. Some plugins are still under re-development and will come back as soon as possible. Stay tuned !
As most of you have seen, a lot of bugs happen theses days. They come from the new server setup, and I am currently working of fixing them, and restoring most of the features you are used to. It will take some time, but I am doing my best to make it as smooth and as fast as possible for the Nabaztags. Premium features are currently disabled and will come back once I have sorted everything out. Thanks for your patience. The new owner: RedoX
Nabaztag V1 are now officially supported by openjabnab.fr Currently, there is a limited number of plugins for those bunnies, but I'll increase it in the coming months
openJabNab is an open-source alternative server to the official one : http://www.nabaztag.com/. This solution is currently only for the second version of the nabaztag, also known as nabaztag:tag. Is my bunny compatible with openJabNab ?
It was first created to add features to the nabaztag:tag, but as Violet closed the official server, openJabNab became a true alternative solution. openJabNab is not affiliate to Violet or Aldebaran Robotics. It's developped by volunteers who don't want to see their bunnies in a box. openJabNab may not be perfect, but it's improving day by day with everyone work. Everyone should contribute to the project with its own possibilities. See the related page for more informations.